3.3.2 Example: Stokes' first problem: flow over a suddenly started plate.3.3.1 Example: Freezing of a water pipe.3.2.1 Example: Large deflection of a cantilever.3.2 Shooting methods for boundary value problems with nonlinear ODEs.3.1.3 Example: Simply supported beam with varying cross-sectional area.3.1.2 Example: Simply supported beam with constant cross-sectional area.3.1 Shooting methods for boundary value problems with linear ODEs.3 Shooting Methods for Boundary Value Problems.Exercise 4: Comparison of 2nd order RK-methods.Exercise 1: Solving Newton's first differential equation using euler's method.2.15.6 Example: Stability of trapezoidal rule method.2.15.5 Example: Stability of implicit Euler's method.2.15.3 Stability of higher order RK-methods.

2.15.2 Example: Stability of Heun's method.2.15.1 Example: Stability of Euler's method.2.15 Absolute stability of numerical methods for ODE IVPs.2.14 Numerical error as a function of \( \Delta t \) for ODE-schemes.2.12 Basic notions on numerical methods for IVPs.2.11.2 Example: Particle motion in two dimensions.2.11.1 Example: Falling sphere using RK4.2.10 Generic second order Runge-Kutta method.2.9.2 Example: Falling sphere with Heun's method.2.8.1 Example: Numerical error as a function of \( \Delta t \).2.8 How to make a Python-module and some useful programming features.2.7 Python functions with vector arguments and modules. Python implementation of the drag coefficient function and how to plot it.2.6.6 Example: Falling sphere with constant and varying drag.2.6.3 Example: Generic euler implementation on the mathematical pendulum.2.6.2 Example: Euler's method on the mathematical pendulum.2.6.1 Example: Euler's method on a simple ODE.2.5.1 Example: Discretization of a diffusion term.2.4.1 Example: Reduction of higher order systems.2.4 Reduction of Higher order Equations.2.3.2 Example: Newton's first differential equation.2.3.1 Example: Taylor's method for the non-linear mathematical pendulum.2.2 Existence and uniqueness of solutions for initial value problems.2.1.2 n-th order linear ordinary differential equations.2 Initial value problems for Ordinary Differential Equations.